In a stunning announcement today, Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, announced that he is resigning as CEO, effective immediately. No reasons were given, but the rumors are already swirling.

Many Facebook scholars are already suggesting that the timing of this resignation is suspicious, as it comes just as the Ghislaine Maxwell trial regarding her involvement with pervert Jeffery Epstein is beginning.

We decided to do some research into the matter, and sent our best investigative journalist, Harry Helmet, to do some digging.

He found a recent report from the Dunning-Kruger Times regarding travel logs to Epstein Isle which seem to suggest that Dorsey made no less than 34 trips to Epstein Isle between 2007 and 2018, the same as Bill Gates.

Clearly, this report is accurate, as it is from a reliable source. In addition to this, Dorsey is resigning right before the Maxwell trial. Why else would that happen? His involvement on Epstein Isle is the only explanation. Just ask anyone in the comments section and they will agree.

Well there you have it, folks. The smoking gun. The guy is obviously a pervert since he is a liberal Democrat that banned Donald Trump from Twitter. Anyone that crosses President Trump is a damned dirty pervert.




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