Never before has the United States of America seen a presidential candidate as mentally unwell as we are seeing in Joseph Biden. This man is extremely old and it’s obvious that he has become quite senile.

His memory is shot and he is rarely able to speak in coherent sentences.

Surely the Democrats must have known this before they selected him as their candidate to run for president. If so, to have known of his medical condition and still put them on the ticket is extremely negligent and possibly criminal.

In any case, Biden would not be good for this country.

It is for this reason that President Trump is to invoke the never before used Subsection 4B of the 25th amendment, a passage reserved for removal of candidates to the highest office in the land because of mental defect.

The subsection reads:

“Whereas Section 4 of the 25th amendment refers to removal of the commander-in-chief for matters of the mind when he is unable to perform his duties, a further amendment must be added to prevent a man of unsound mind from ever gaining the office.

Should such a man become a candidate, it is the duty of the president to take action to prevent his possible election. The candidate’s mental status must be of concern and his removal from candidacy must take place through the invocation of this clause.”

AG Barr expressed his thoughts on the matter:

“This is a sad sight to see in anyone. One has to have pity for the man after his long career, as well as for his family who are watching the husband and father they knew disappear before their eyes.

But we cannot concern ourselves with that. We must look out for the good of the nation and, simply put, having a man with dementia in the White House would not serve the people well. Subsection 4B of the 28th amendment allows us to prevent such a horrible tragedy from occurring.

President Trump will begin the process to have former Vice-President Joe Biden removed from the ballot. This is a first in American history and we were reluctant to take the step, but it’s something we must do.“

What this will mean for the Democrat’s chances is unknown. Will Kamala Harris be running for the top spot?

Will they select the man who held second place in the primaries, Bernie Sanders? We will have to wait and see.

1 Comment

  1. Bernie...yeah can't say the rest of the name

    Hello. I am Bernie Sanders. I am the president now baybee! wooooooohooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

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