In a historic speech to the GOP, at a dinner fundraiser in Cincinnati last night, are President and beloved leader, Sir President Donald Trump of the WhiteHouse, proposed to overhaul the American constitution. The event was funded by Christians Against Democracy and was the first in many to warmly receive the President’s participation in such an auspicious occasion.

The speech turned into a frenzy of screams from old republicans wows from younger conservatives and swoons by the older ladies in the audience. The talk was in aid of the many buildings, that were burnt in the riots and looting around the country, when the democrats organised to over throw are president, To gain control of the voting landscape with confusion and violence. But, ultimately it was to talk about two new amendments, that will not let this happen again. The move was to set the political landscape with lumps and bumps and some rocky road if Sleep Joe Pedo got into the White House again!

Trump was on form and Joe Barron was there to take notes of the Presidents speech, whilst it was in full swing. Theses are his words,


People, I can call you people because, I like people, really I do! Thats why I’m revitalising the constitution with two of my own laws, that will be so beautiful for you guys let me tell you! The 28 and 29th President’s clauses, which allows your president (thats me folks), maximum power to fulfil my agenda. Clause 28 will be called, no telling on the Pres’. Clause 29 will be an enactment of the 28th which is basically like the last one, only it has the power to imprison anyone who tells on the President, thats called, the go to jail clause . You know how they like tittle tattling on your President, thats why I’ve invented these clauses to allow your president to do the things he’s doing, in order to make America great again. I’ve been trying to keep America really great, but the democrats keep on causing riots and sedition. This is what it’s going to be like if Sleepy a Joe wins, it will be so terrible for you guys and all I want to do is make American great again, like it was in the past. Just wait till I get in again, it will be spectacular and they won’t know what hit em! It will be fire and fury, the likes of which they’ve never seen before!”

The arena erupted into cattle calls and applause almost emidately after are illustrious leader threatened the democrats with fire and fury, the like of which they’ve never seen before, which wa one of the GOP’s favourite quote when he threatened are once enemies North Korea with the same schtick. The cowards gave him a ten minute ovation where there were people falling on the ground saying ‘I’ve seen the light.’ and shaking like they had seen the lord himself! 

Bill Barr was at the dinner conference and was asked questions by the lying media but, he said, he was “unsure if this was constitutionally legal or otherwise,” but rest assured, AG Barr will be helping are President what to do when it comes to bending a few rules. K.A.G. !


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