It’s been no secret that on multiple platforms such as Facebook and Twitter loyalists of President Trump have seen their posts removed, accounts suspended, or even been banned outright.

Consequently, supporters of former President Trump have been unable to present their views on topics important to all American Patriots to the same extent as the Fake News Media.

It is also well known that patriotic articles are constantly being fact checked as false, mostly because they are actually true and the deep state doesn’t want Americans to know the truth.

Well, as it turns out, there is one form of media that cannot be cancelled, even if it has been fact checked: satire.

Satire, thanks to a landmark court case pitting Hustler Magazine’s owner Larry Flynt against Jerry Falwell Sr. was ruled protected free speech by the Supreme Court in 1988. The ruling stated that satire was protected by both the first and 14th amendments and therefore could not be banned.

And it is true. How many satire articles have been banned from social media sites, EVEN IF THEY HAVE BEEN FACT CHECKED? The answer is none.

As a result, writers wishing to present news to American Patriots have increasingly been publishing on satire sites. The astute reader may, in fact, have noticed the recent proliferation of satire articles presenting material that the main stream media refuses to publish. That is no coincidence.

Examples include articles about Kyle Rittenhouse suing The View, woke Disney going bankrupt and losing billions in stock value, and the list goes on. None of those reports were even touched by the mainstream media.

However, there is one drawback of writing satire: portions of the article have to be so ridiculous that social media monitors immediately realize the article is satire and disregard that portion of the article which contains the truth.

As a result, it is left to the well researched and educated reader to distinguish the truth of the article from the satire portion, which is usually fairly easy to identify.

We asked editor in chief and owner Cletus Derpfinger of the satire site The Daily Derp whether any of this had any basis in fact:

“Well of course it’s true. We’ve had all kinds of people from Joe Rogan and Alex Jones to Candace Owens and Rudy Giuliani write articles under pen names. If you ever see an article written by Fallis Gunnington, that’s Rudy. Madeleine Bowie? That’s Candace. Jim Jordan also wanted to write articles as Gym the Wrestler, but we had to fire him because they were just too perverted. He thought we were a gay porn site for some odd reason. I mean, even we have standards.”

Well there you have it. Is this a new trend? Only time will tell.


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