It seems after a long hiatus, Antifa is back with a vengeance. This time, they were seen defacing the Pearl Harbor Memorial in Washington DC.

Witnesses report seeing Antifas with sledgehammer destroying statues and gravestones, among other nefarious acts.

One such witness, Benjamin Dover, of Nantucket, gave us the following account:

“It was pure chaos out there. There were so many Antifas and they were all wearing masks so they can’t be identified. They had sledgehammers, broadsword, pickaxes, battle axes, even cannons. It looked like the goddamn Ren Fest out there!

Then they really went Dark Ages and took their hands, put them up their bums, did some weird chant, then suddenly had handfuls of poo which they went on to smear all over everything. Oh wait, that part was the MAGA losers storming the Capitol on January 6th. Nevermind. But they still had all those weapons I was telling you about!”

This is what Democrats want in America. They will probably even say Trump fans did all of these horrible acts. Then they will deny any of it even happened.

Oops, I’m mixing them up with Republicans on January 6th. Anyway, you get my drift. Democrats bad. Republicans good. MAGAMAGAMAGA UNGABUNGA.


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