Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tested positive according to a press release early Tuesday morning. A spokeswoman for Pelosi told reporters she had been feeling ill the past few days which led her to be tested.
“We initially thought she was just hungover again, but her speech just kept worse. We knew it had to be something else when her breakfast cocktail had no effect.”
The decision to seek treatment in China is viewed by some as “rational” considering the close ties China has with the Democratic Party. Prominent Democrats such as Bill Gates and Al Franken are known to have advanced samples of a working vaccine manufactured by the Chinese government.
The decision is, however, also politically motivated. Successful treatment in China would all but ensure the full support of the Chinese government for Joe Biden. It would send a strong but false message that Chinese products and medications are on par with, if not better than American made brands.
This brings into speculation that the positive test may indeed have been staged by the Pelosi camp to help swing the vote. It is also clearly meant to diminish the bravery and leadership displayed by President Trump after his positive test in which he sought treatment from AMERICAN doctors with AMERICAN drugs in an AMERICAN medical facility.
It is unknown as of yet if any of Pelosi’s staff members have also tested positive. However, the bigger concern is contact tracing all the people she may have infected at several bars she’s visited over the past two weeks.
“We’re talking about thousands of possible contacts,” a representative from the CDC told reporters. This still does not take into account two hair salons and a European wax center.
While we do hope Speaker Pelosi finds herself in good health, the overall timing and treatment decision is questionable at best.