You’ve seen him on the news and with Oprah, offering his sterling medical advice to people all over the world.  He developed numerous heart-related devices, formerly had a “therapeutic touch”, and promoted “reservatol”, an unproven dietary supplement for, you know, money.

“I had this much of it once, and now my toilet paper roll is pregnant.”

Now the Pennsylvania Senate race is heating up, and Dr. Oz is taking that magic healing touch to the masses, vying for Senator Sandy Batt’s (D), seat.  If he wins, he will be the latest in a line of complete shysters to win a government position, behind Rand Paul, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and of course, Donald Trump.

“I thought he was a Republican, though,” commented Joseph LaForm, a horse gynecologist from Queefabama.  “Aren’t all shysters Republicans?”

While it’s true that Oz is a member of the GOP party that gets everything completely wrong and against the American electorate on a daily basis, for the purpose of this story, we’ve experimentally switched him over for fun.

“Don’t get the vaccine, people,” Oz stated last week to an audience of nodding dipshits.  “It’s best to needlessly get sick and die for your freedom!  Which, you won’t have any of at all, when you’re dead.”

Can advice like this, which disagrees with every known scientist worldwide who ISN’T a paid YouTube shill be appropriate?  Of course not.  Dr. Oz is yet another dum dum in the Republican boat, leaning over the side and trying to catch fish with his mouth.



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