With the proliferation of the winter wave of the Trump plague across the country making headlines, many issues that also need attention seem to have fallen by the wayside.  The incoming Biden/Harris administration, however, unlike the lackadaisical and universally-agreed upon incompetent Trump mess, can actually handle multiple problems all at once.

Former President Trump often had difficulty urinating while simultaneously holding Mike Pence’s head steady.

One of those problems is the “gun culture” in the United States and the rampant abuse of the power of the second amendment that many less-normal and psychotic Americans see as their only reason for living.  For some time, paranoia foisted upon weak minded sociopaths by the right wing media and Republican outlets has pushed already murderous idiots to be proud of their desires to kill their own countrymen.

Incoming Vice President Kamala Harris sat down with Joe Barron of Queefing Stone magazine to make her case for the firearm policy that she and Joe Biden are planning to enforce starting this January.

“We believe a good plan would be exactly what the founders intended.  A ‘well-regulated militia.’  What this means is exactly what Scandanavian countries do : When a citizen turns sixteen, or an age deemed appropriate, he or she is taught basic gun care, operation, and safety by a relative or guardian.  When they can competently pass a simple test, they are assigned a weapon, all of which are kept by a local chosen militia leader.  That leader reports to a statewide leader.  That’s simply how it was planned.  Anyone who wishes to use their firearm must check it out with their militia head, fostering responsibility and accountability.  We’d like to do that.  Adhere directly to the word of the Constitution.  Who could be against that?”

“I’m against anything libtards want because communism socialism anyuerism! Gogru!”

Some people in the Fox News, or worse, the absolute mentally-handicapped Newsmax crowd are critiquing Harris, mostly based on her race and because they fear strong intelligent women.  But as we’ve learned, because America has spoken, it’s time to grow up and accept four years of leadership that isn’t full on backwards.


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