Democrats are always trying to push “new deals” down our throats. Whether it be the Roosevelt New Deal, the Green New Deal, or the art of the deal, they always have some new scheme. This time, however, the deal is outright treasonous.

At a recent press conference, Representative Ilhan Omar unveiled what she called “the best thing that could ever happen to America.”

Here are some of her remarks regarding the proposal:

“Americans are the most uneducated country in the world. I mean look, they elected Donald Trump of all people. That is why it is imperative that we educate our children.

That is why I am proposing an Arabic New Deal. This law will require Arabic numeral mathematics be taught in all public and private schools. Children will be able to count and as adults, will be able to understand economics and how capitalism has failed them.

Until then, America will always be behind every other nation in education and quality of life.”

These are outright words of treason. What will they want next? Religious instruction in school?! Where will it end?

Republican Joe Barron slammed Omar on her treasonous demands:

“She really is crazy. How dare she think that we will have Muslamic teaching in our schools. The Constitution is clear about the separation of church and state, but Democrats obviously don’t care about that since they constantly try to shove religion down our throats.

No religion shall be favored in this country, unless it’s the religion that we say. That would be Christianity. The Constitution specifically allows Christianity to be the state religion, but none others.”

Barron is absolutely correct. This is a nation of law and order. It’s time Democrats start listening to the law and the order.


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