The families of the two people Kyle Rittenhouse killed won’t get a dime. Another jury in Wisconsin has found the young man not responsible for the incident, since he wasn’t the one who started it.

“That first guy yelled at him and tossed an empty plastic bag,” said Juror 5.

It was a hostile situation,” said Juror 4, “he had no choice but to meet it with deadly force.” Juror 6 just kept saying, “If he had gotten Kyle’s gun he would have killed him.”

The second man who died chasing Rittenhouse down was also to blame for his own death, according to Juror 8. “He ran after a guy he thought just murdered people. Did he think he was exempt somehow? He shouldn’t have swung the skateboard.”

The sentiment was very much the same throughout the jury pool: Rittenhouse was there, he was armed, and everyone should have just stayed away. “Why would anyone approach a kid who looks like he’s about 12 carrying a military-grade weapon? It makes no sense.”

Rittenhouse is now free to pursue lawsuits of his own now that he’s been found officially innocent by his peers. He also has a great new video game out that may be a ploy for cash, but it looks like lots of fun.

Keep up the good work, Kyle!


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