Kamala Harris is an exciting and controversial individual, unlike any other political candidate in history.  She’s quite well-versed in legal matters as well as constitutional operation, and during a recent interview, brought up a point that’s currently gone viral in some frightened conservative blogospheres: When elected, a Democratic majority could simply re-assign President Trump’s supreme court picks to a lower district.

“Kavanaugh, that better be ROOT beer, mister! One more screw up and you’re OUT ON YOUR ASS! (Sorry I swore, mom.)”

I sat down with Mrs. Harris at a pub-style Phoenix video-game machine in Oakland, California, in a small charming baseball-themed dungeon club called The Roughly Sandy Batt last Friday for an hour long look into her thoughts, ideas, and goals for an America beyond Trump.  The prosecutor brought up the subject right off the…Batt.

“I know a lot of people have this idea that we’re ‘dodging’ the question about ‘packing the supreme court’.  We’re not.  The answer is we don’t have to.  The constitution requires the President to appoint judges to the courts, including the highest one.  It does not prohibit the next commander in chief to reassign those judges to lower courts as he or she sees fit.  If Joe wanted to on day one, he could demote Kavanaugh on down to traffic violations in West Hoboken.   Which is exactly part of what we plan to do.”

As Harris sipped her habanero-spiced latte and nailed the three upward-flying birds on the game’s sixth level, an Easter Egg that netted her six million points, she changed the subject to destroying President Trump’s life.

“After he’s thrown out, the prosecution of all of his crimes will begin immediately.  We’ll start in New York, and go from there, with a new and sensible Supreme Court on our side.  Various counts of treason and fraud that his impeachment trial never got to, violations of the emoluments clause, the rape and molestation charges, all of it.  If he’s found psychologically fit to stand trial, that is.  If he’s not, I’ll just make sure he ends his days in a mental institution instead of a federal one.”

“Oh gooood. My last roommate wasn’t big enough to use as a hot air balloon.”

As the interview concluded, I sensed a great deal of power in the Vice President-to-be’s words.  You definitely feel the need to be quiet – When she’s talking.


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