(Washington – ALLOD) – The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ordered 160 armored vehicles for its “domestic fleet” recently, along with approximately 6,000 tactical vests to “assist federal agents in the safe fulfillment of their duties” The vehicles, spotted and photographed by a source close to the administration’s watchdog Citizens United National Trust Society, are white with black lettering, much like the infamous form 1040 all Americans are so familiar with.

“We wanted them to know we’re coming,” said interim IRS Chief of Tactical Command, General Joe Barron, “we’re not running covert ops. We’re busting down the doors of unlawful tax evaders and taking what they owe the people of the United States of America.”

The National Trust spokesman, Art Tubolls, says there’s no evidence any of the funds gained by dragging otherwise law-abiding citizens out of their homes over a few thousand dollars so they can seize an Xbox and a 72″ Samsung off to auction will go to the people. It’s far more likely the proceeds will go to maintenance for the new fleet, which will dispatch to mostly rural areas of red states in the coming weeks.

If you see one of these trucks coming, patriots, make sure you’ve checked your mailbox. There’s a number you can call that makes them turn around and head back to base. All you have to do is pay your taxes.



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