Following what some are calling a “seditious and embarrassing” public release this weekend of an hour-long phone call between outgoing President Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Nancy Pelosi, who, unlike The Donald, won her reelection bid, filed a brief with the 9th circuit federal court to remove the failed one-term leader’s pension arrangement completely.

Melania could always get a job. How well does she know the Motley Crue catalog?

Pelosi filed the brief as a prelude to a suit under article 8, section 12 of the constitution’s “sedition and criminal treason” portion, after hearing the evidence of the incredibly dipshitted porkballoon begging the official to invent more votes from the 2020 election.

As many have seen, Trump’s already delicate ego has broken like Mike Pence’s penis thrust into a cotton candy machine after his overwhelming and verified loss to superior candidate Joe Biden.

Sandy Batt of the Department of Criminal Crybabies says the move is completely appropriate since the bulbous buffoon won’t need the money because he’s rich, or whatever bullshit he constantly pretends to crow about.

“Taking away his pension is, frankly, the least heavy penalty we could propose for someone who manages to break even more laws and ethical rules during his final two weeks of being in office.

Begging for an elected official to falsify votes in your favor is hands down, the dumbest and most pathetic shovel of fertilizer on his political grave.

This idiot is more crooked than Micheal J. Fox’s sketch of a Rubik’s cube.  I know his following of special needs banana-gummers is already making up excuses, but we’re all ignoring them like we ignore the car radio when it plays Phil Collins.  Nobody wants to hear more garbage.”

According to the Bureau of Statistics, one standard garbage bag can hold 437 “No Jacket Required” CD’s.

Trump has disputed his epic landslide loss despite all of his claims being baseless, downright irrational, and obviously false.

At this point, it’s clear Pelosi’s next step after putting him in the poor house should be transferring him to the rubber one.


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