Much ado is being made about President Joe Biden putting the kibosh on the Keystone Pipeline project.  On one side are the facts that the line would be an incredible danger to the main water sources in middle America, posing a needless risk to its residents, and that the unrefined crude would simply be carried to the gulf and added to the world’s supply to be sold anyway, at a profit of zero to the United States.

There are also the points that the U.S. is already energy independent without it, and it seems unwise to chance the health and environmental risks for several dozen temporary jobs lasting three months.

Senator Lindsey Graham had been ready to oversee the project with its sweaty oil-covered men.

On the political right, pundits and commenters who are paid to speak for the oil and gas lobbies say “jobs, tho.”  That’s it.

This morning, White House Press Secretary Joe Barron read a statement from the President regarding the needless and invented fear campaign that, unbelievably, STILL works on Donald Trump’s cult of the hideously brain damaged.

“Mr. Biden would like to address the worries that his cancelling of the Keystone project causes so-called ‘massive job losses’.  First of all, he’d like to invite his detractors to look up ‘massive’ in the dictionary.  Second, he would point out that a deadly pandemic that was handled with 100% incompetence by failed President Trump led to far more job losses, permanent ones.

Third, he sarcastically says that ‘Wall-mart is hiring you know’, as a kind of joke that an idiot like the former shitbag in chief might make.  In reality, oil industry jobs, properly unionized, would simply transfer workers to a new site.  So suck all of his balls.”

Not sucking those balls are the contingent of Trumptards who suddenly became experts in the oil pipeline industry overnight and had no problem during Trump’s term while the pipeline stood empty.  Truly, this is a controversy that is almost laughable and won’t affect Joe Biden’s Presidency one bit.


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