Comedienne Kathy Griffin had a rocky career slump, to say the least, after a controversial jab at President Trump featuring a severed paper-mache head backfired and made her one of the most disliked figures in Hollywood.  However, a few years, a few mumbled apologies, and a profitable comeback comedy tour later, and it seems she’s back to her old style of sedition.

Former funnyman Gallagher, however, is still in a federal prison for maiming a Califonia man named “John Watermelon.”

Last week at a rally for leading Presidential candidate Joe Biden in Queeferton Falls, Ohio, the jovial ginger jokester concluded a comedic speech levelling Trump for his failed pandemic response, “crybaby” glass ego, and hideously incompetent foreign policy by wheeling out a huge image of the morbidly obese leader and setting it to flame for a cheering audience.

Griffin, born Sandy Batt in the small town of Aschbaucher, Venezuela, and a graduate of the baseball-seam stitching program at the Juliard school for the Arts has had a history of nasty and offensive behavior.  After being arrested at the age of 19 for public indecency at a Wang Chung concert in Hoboken, the femme futile began working comedy clubs, and was detained a second time in 1992 for pushing fellow performer Emo Phillips into a cement-mixing truck.  Phillips is still in inert condition in Maryland’s Saint Vagina’s Memorial Hospital.

The Biden event was kicking off the candidate’s Tested Negative Tour, and also featured Hollywood figures Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and filmmaker Micheal Moore, who aided Griffin in setting the effigy to flame.  Johnson notably laughed and rallied the crowd, putting on a muscle-flexing display of strength as the figure behind him crackled and was reduced to biodegradable ash.

Moore filmed the entire display for an upcoming documentary tentatively titled : “Covfefe 911.”

To any random observer who respected America and the freedom it brings, the rally might have looked more like a scene out of the movie “Mad Max” than a political event.  At least President Trump has the class and patriotism to place both of the black people at his celebrations in safely-contained plexiglass chambers away from where any trouble could erupt from the Nazi and violently psychotic crowd.


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