As liberalism slithers its way back into the seat of power in our country, many of our federal departments and regulating agencies are beginning to coalesce. The latest to turncoat and cede to the leftwing agenda is the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Their first victim?  Wonder Woman 1984.

The FCC is an independent agency of the United States government that regulates communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, theaters, and cable across the United States.  FCC Chairman Ajit Pai was appointed by Donald Trump in 2017 but has since gone on to show his true colors through various censorships of conservative media and directing FCC funds to Democratic campaigns. 

Now he’s launched an all-out assault on our patriotism with this unwarranted suppression of an American icon.

“As a female, Wonder Woman should be promoting feminist values. Instead, she flaunts her feminine wiles while inappropriately donning the colors of our flag, causing an unnatural and dangerous sense of patriotism.”

In a phone interview, we asked Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot how she felt about her movie being banned, and her character misportrayed by the FCC. She said, “Oooh.  This question again?  As an Israeli, I receive billions of your US dollars every years. They can do what they want with my movie. It matters little to me.”

To be fair, if Gal had her Lasso of Truth wrapped around me, I would be compelled to agree with her. The movie is just plain bad. It’s a mediocre story wrapped in one huge 80’s cliché.

The acting is sub-par, and the attempts at comedy are forced and predictable. Gal understands this and is more than happy to see her movie tank at the hands of the FCC. In fact, it diminishes what would otherwise be her own humiliation.

If American patriots really want a movie to look up to and inspire them, I would suggest “Machette Kills,” the second film in the Machete series starring naturalized US citizen Danny Trejo and legendary freedom fighters Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson.

Its movies like Machete Kills that accurately portray American Exceptionalism and demonstrate what we can truly accomplish when we take pride in the United States.


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