The good news for President Trump and his campaign just keeps rolling in after his magical performance in the first debate. The prestigious Dunning-Kruger Institute declared that President Trump was victorious in his debate against Democrat Joe Biden.

They cited many reasons for this assessment, including being civil, answering the questions, and staying on topic. The Institute declared that Trump beat Biden bigly on all three of these measures.

Director of the study, Joe Barron, said this in his report:

“As everyone knows, the most intelligent people have the most to say, that is why President Trump had so much to say during the debate. He really had all the words, the best words actually. He shouted the loudest too, so obviously he believed what he was saying. The same can’t be said for Biden.

We had three metrics to determine the winner of the debate. Obviously Trump was more the more civil one. He never spoke out of turn or insulted his opponent. Biden did both of these things.

Trump also answered every question that he was asked without going off topic while Biden dodged every question. Biden even refused to denounce white supremacist groups. That was very troubling to say they least.”

The Dunning-Kruger Institute confirmed what we Republicans already knew – that Donald Trump was victorious in his debate as he always is. He was definitely the smartest person in the room and he was sure to let everyone know that.

Biden came off looking like a spoiled child and someone that does not have the temperament to be President. His constant interruptions and name-calling are sure to alienate moderate voters he was hoping to win over.

This debate was more proof that Trump is the man we need for the job.






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