The state of California has essentially outlawed childbirth for people under the age of 18. A new law, dubbed the “No Unwanted Children” bill, will make terminating teen pregnancy the status quo.

A spokesman for Congressman Joe Barron, who introduced the bill, said, “essentially, we want to see every positive test for a girl under 18 countered with abortion pills. Right there, on the spot. There’s no need to contact parents, make decisions, none of it. Girls under 18 will receive free tests and free pills and will have to re-test in 30 days. If they’re still pregnant, a medical procedure will follow at the state’s expense.”

Asked if there would be an exemption for those wishing to keep their child or carry it to term to give up for adoption, governor Gavin Newsome said, “Absolutely not. California isn’t a theocracy. If a kid wants to keep a baby for religious reasons it’s because they’ve been indoctrinated by their zealot parents. We’ll have none of that here.”

Newsom’s approval ratings went up 5 points to 79 percent after the statement. Liberals just love to murder babies.

The ACLU says it won’t get involved because it’s in the best interest of teenage girls to never have to worry about an issue that “shouldn’t concern them for another decade.”

These California people would never survive five minutes in the south, where real Americans are having kids in and/or straight outta high school so they can get it over with and love God.

May he bless most of America, but not these heathens.


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