It’s now been three straight days of non-stop questioning by the house of Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick Amy Coney Barrett, and the inquiries are beginning to seem childish and personal from the Democrat side.

Yesterday’s session turned into a near interrogation by Cory Booker, who wouldn’t let up and appeared to temper his inquiry for the cameras, with queries that seemed more like political punditry.

“That was disgustin’. Anyway, Miss Barrett, isn’t Mistah Trump lookin’ very delectable today?”

The New York Post’s scandal editor Sandy Batt claims Booker was using his time to do nothing beyond putting on a show for those never-Trumpers and intelligent people who believe Barrett is a radical that the President had no right to nominate in the first place.

His questions went from asking if she’d ever caged children, to the obvious dig at Trump’s previous sexually-troubled maniac Brett Kavanaugh.

“Aren’t you afraid, however,” Booker pressed at one point, “To sit on the bench within mere feet of Brett Kavanaugh, who is extremely likely to attempt to molest or otherwise sexually harass you?

You understand, right, that Kavanaugh may frequently appear in court naked under his robes and attempt to grab you or perform a series of lewd and disgusting gestures at you like a babboon licking it’s mouth?

I just want to make sure you’re aware that your personal safety in this position is at risk due to President Trump’s core belief that you’re a lesser human being and exist only for making children and sexual pleasure and appointing a man who feels the same.”

“I fully understand and am admittedly, like anyone rational, fairly creeped out by him, but I believe I’ll be able to cope,” Barrett responded.

Kavanaugh promised to keep himself nearly half-sober at all times. Most times. Here and there.

After the inquiry, Booker did not apologize and even laughed off critics who opined that his questioning was too personal and went too far.

“That’s too bad, conservapussies,” the Senator replied.  “I guess don’t appoint an extra from Little House on the Prarie to the Supreme goddamn Court.”

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  1. Joe Biden


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