One of Joe Biden’s first actions as president of the United States is to dismantle Space Force. Space Force was one of Trump’s biggest accomplishments and was his own brainchild.
Trump knew that a Space Force was very necessary and made sure it became a reality as part of our military. Apparently, Joe Biden doesn’t think so, he doesn’t want to keep our country safe.
Space Force was conceived by Trump even before he was elected. We didn’t have any military presence in space, and he knew we needed it.
Space Force was to protect the country from military invasions that were covertly planned using satellites and other laser technologies that countries like China, Russia, and North Korea could use against us.
Laser technology has come a long way since the 1960s and Trump wanted to be on top of it.
This is just the start of destroying Donald Trump’s legacy. The democrats couldn’t wait to start getting ahold of his policies and tearing them to shreds. While Trump made America great again, the democrats want to make America less safe again.
Without Space Force, America is in danger. Grave danger. Danger of which the likes that no one has ever seen before.
What if Mars attacks? It could happen, and under a Biden presidency, it just might.
Space Force has kept America safe since its inception. Because of Space Force, America has not been subjected to another Independence Day movie.
That’s worth it enough. But we are also safe from Marvin The Martian, an attack from Buzz Lightyear, and we’ve also heard nothing from Alf or Ben-10. Space Force has kept the undesirables out of our country, and our planet.
Even Space Mexicans have been no match for Space Force and the Intergalactic Space Border Wall.
If Biden is successful at dismantling Space Force and the extreme waste of money this program is, what will the Trump administration’s legacy be? Wild tweets? Golf outings? Out of control pandemics? Failing to buy Greenland?
Trump needs Space Force as much as conservatives need the Obama boogeyman to survive and thrive. Without them, all Trump has left are words, bigly words, the best words that anyone has ever made up.