When Donald Trump wants something, he gets it. Even though he’s temporarily out of the White House, Donald Trump commands respect from everyone in Washington.  It shows the true strength and character of our greatest president. And when Donald Trump demands something, he gets it, and this is no different.

January 6th was a tough day for our country. While Antifa created chaos at our Capitol, there were patriots fighting back against the deep state and the aforementioned Antifa rioters. One of those proud Trump-supporting patriots that was doing the right thing was Ashli Babbitt, a young California patriot who was in Washington to support our president.

A rogue secret service employee had mistaken Babbitt for Antifa and shot her, wounding your patriot fatally. For the last 6 months, the identity of the rogue shooter has been a guarded secret. But not anymore. When Donald Trump demanded the name of this person, he was given it. Trump demanded the identity of this character in Ohio at a very successful rally. And Donald Trump has gotten what he wanted.

Walter Joseph, a 2-year secret service employee and Oregon native was the one to pull the trigger. Walter Joseph was known well through the secret service system for being a bit of a wildcard. His behavior questionable during his tenure there. While most of his comrades found him funny, lighthearted and had a bit of a prankster attitude, only his masters knew what kind of attitude he really had. Mr Walter Joseph was certainly a handful.   

When questioned by our reporter, the person who looks after the Secret Service, Treasury boss Joseph Barron deflected all questions but added that “Walter Joseph was a great employee. A good boy, for lack of a better term. If he saw fit to do what he did, then I have zero questions and the utmost faith in his decision”.  While most patriots may disagree with this,  the Treasury refused to field any more questions and stood by their man.

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