In her young yet infamous career in politics, former NYC bartender Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has presented some of the most un-American legislation ever considered. Yesterday, she took it a step further. In what she’s calling the “New Two Kid Deal”, American families would be limited to having only two children.

She claims it will stabilize our economy.

She is very careful to say that women can get pregnant as many times as they like, but must abort each pregnancy after the second child is born.

According to the proposed legislation, these abortions would be tax-deductible. The would-be mothers will also receive complimentary 5”x7” photos of the abortion.

Furthermore, aborted fetuses would be donated to public school lunch programs throughout the country. This is considered incredibly heinous seeing as how many children identify themselves as vegetarian.

The overall shortsightedness of this bill is breathtaking. Not only is it inconsiderate of many children’s dietary requirements, but it is also downright un-Christian. God gave us the gift of marital sex for the purpose of reproducing in His image.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If we are limited in how many times we can reproduce, we are limited in the number of times we can flatter God.

Perhaps the most shocking result of the proposed legislation is the punishments that would be rendered to both parents and children who are considered “over the limit”.

Parents would be forced into a lifetime of servitude at the hard labor prison camp of Rura Penthe. As for the children, they will be auctioned off as “veal” to the elite, proceeds to be distributed evenly betwixt the Clinton and Obama Foundations.

With the Biden administration seeming inevitable, there is little defense true Americans can take against this bill. Our only opportunity to fight this is to remain celibate, willingly, or not. The bill does not specifically detail inbreeding, so we shall do what we must.

In any event, we must hold true to our beliefs as Americans. Growing our families is at the core of those beliefs.


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