After a now finalized appointment of another Trump supreme court justice, there are going to be changes regarding the unborn in this country, changes that are long overdue. Democrats know this and they are scared.
That fear could explain the latest crusade of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. AOC hopes to make it easier for our young women to be able to slay their offspring. How she plans to do this is nothing less than obscene.
Cortez‘s plan is to install vending machines in all public schools in America. What will they contain, you ask?
Why, morning after pills of course!
That’s right, AOC wants abortion pills to be available to high school girls without prescription, without counseling, without anything but a few coins in a slot.
The idea is being heralded as genius by Planned Parenthood head, Joe Barron.
“America has been waiting for this moment. A moment where even young girls can take full control of their body. No doctor intruding, no religious nut cases trying to dissuade them.
The decision to have a baby is the woman’s alone, regardless of age. These vending machines make the decision to terminate easy, accessible, and affordable. My understanding is that Cortez intends to make each pill only one dollar so that even the most destitute student can afford them.
AOC is a woman of the future!“
AOC is not a woman of the future. She is a woman of the devil. She is evil incarnate, hereon earth doing Satan’s bidding. She is dreaming if she thinks that President Trump ever let this happen. I guess we can let her dream. It will be funnier when she fails.
Abortion is unconstitutional, and as such, anyone guilty shall be aborted themselves. So it is written, so it is done.