There are certain things that are true, patriots. One of those things is about how America gets its power. That would be fossil fuels. So no matter how you cut it, you’re burning those when you plug in your electric vehicle. It’s basic science.

It’s also basic science that you have to mine for things to build electric batteries. Kind of like how you have to mine for coal and natural gas. So there is no real difference.

Those are the talking points the right has been spinning for quite some time, patriots, and boy are they effective. You can tell by the popular nature of the dumb memes about the issue. But let’s clear some things up.

There are plenty of EV owners who plug into a solar-powered home. But the clean energy doesn’t stop there, patriots. Solar and wind energy now account for about a quarter of energy output, and that number is only going up. So where you plug in will, inevitably, be sourced from clean energy. Because that’s how things work. Like when we transitioned from buying horse feed to gasoline.

Let’s talk mining. Advances in batteries and how to extract minerals have already cleaned up substantially, and prospects for the future look good for reducing the harm to the environment as much as possible. Because it’s not all mined here in the end-stage capitalist wasteland. Add to that the sustainable nature of what’s being mined, and things look a a little bit different from bringing black poison to the surface to burn. The end product literally goes up in smoke.

Then of course, there’s the little issue of the difference between an EV and an internal combustion engine: Combustion. The EV doesn’t do that, therefore the only fossil fuels it burns is what might be coming through the transmission lines. Basically, the memes are dumb and the idea that EVs are failing and will be obsolete is very turn of the 20th century.

But…that’s where you Boomers seem to want to go. We’re happy to keep handing it to you. Please click a shiny ad before you go, and God Bless America.


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