So far, the history of “wokeism” is written in children’s books.  That’s who they’re coming for, to indoctrinate the young into believing that severe behavioral disorders are “normal”, and grow a more liberal society.

Enter Barbie, the product of Mattel’s Ruth Handler back in 1959, the epitome of a woman for little American girls to play with and fantasize about being.  Barbie’s largest advantage was her ability to change over time, to represent the modern woman.  Kids of all ages today continue to buy her.

That evolution may be perverted now during this new age of “woke”, as Mattel has introduced a new Barbie Line where the titular character comes with removable “mix and match” genitalia, meaning, any child can now make her own transsexual doll.

I am banning this doll in Florida immediately. After raping it thoroughly, I was disgusted.

For more on this subject, we contacted Children’s Rights activist Sandra Batt at her home in Queefington, New Jersey.

“Barbie has always been one thing, overall.  A woman.  Changing her sex to match the woke agenda is going to drive her sellability into the ground.  No little girl is going to want to buy Barbie and Ken in one doll.  They want to spend their allowance on common sense.”

The line also includes a decidedly black Ken doll and a very gay Barbie Volkswagen Jetta vehicle.  Some children haven’t noticed yet, but little 4-year old Lisa Pais is mortified.

“Why Barbie have penis now?  She no more use Ken’s face to pee?”



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