Hollywood is in a huge buzz this weekend as the very first transsexual actor has been approved for his/her/their own star on the legendary Walk of Fame.  Well, besides Milton Berle.

Laverne Cox is the actor/actress who starred in the Netflix comedy series Orange is the New Black as well as “The T Word”, “Charlie’s Angels”, and “Doubt.”. She was nominated for an Emmy for her Orange role Sophia Burset.  He/she is currently one of the most sought after actresses/actors in the world.

The Walk of Fame committee came to this conclusion after commiserating with several important donors and judges all weekend, and coming up with three top contenders.  Each will replace a current star’s star, due to spacial concerns on the boulevard.

Cox’s star will replace Donald Trump’s, since, after his first and second impeachment, not to mention firing up a conspiracy that conservatives seem to believe never happened, he was consequently disqualified.  His star will be dug up and buried atop his ex-wife in Mar-a-Lago.

Trump’s star was defaced by an unknown hero.

Other winners include Kathy Griffin, whose star will replace Bill Cosby’s, and former professional liberal troll Joe Barron, whose star will be inserted over the remains of Steve Ashbaucher’s grimy taint.

Runners up include Whoopi Goldberg, who was nominated for an unheard-of second star on the Walk for her work with The View, and infamous internet personality “Busta Troll”, whose dog Trubble is doing just fine now.


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