Donald Trump is planning on an executive order to end subsidized NFL salaries while players kneel and protest. The subsidized salaries were part of the pandemic relief package, but after further research, the United States has paid partial NFL salaries all the way back to the beginning of the Obama administration. It was a perk of the partnership between the NFL and the United States government.
The original program started in early 2009 between the National Football League and the Obama administration as part of a tax break for the league. When the Obama administration reviewed team revenues, it was a no brainer, and the NFL and the government went into an agreement that they would subsidize partial salaries of players in return for a cut of game revenues. The agreement also included healthcare and land rights for the League when they wanted to move teams to different locations to maximize revenues in new markets.
The Trump administration, who has been cutting government waste (like the postal service, the CDC, and school lunch programs) that they deem inessential, was extremely shocked and angered by the agreement. These players benefited from the same country paying them!!!! Trump couldn’t contain his anger and brought together republicans from the house and senate to find a way to end the subsidized un-American football players.
The program has cost the taxpayers nearly a billion dollars since its inception. This is money that could have been used for military upgrades and weaponry, where our nation had been lacking for years. The Obama administration literally ran the military out of ammunition to pay for football. It’s a disgrace and it was disgusting. Donald Trump said he will be putting an end to this waste, and will do it now. The NFL obviously hates America, and no longer will it receive the financial assistance from the American taxpayers.
The Central Accounting Office of the United States Government is also looking for ways to be reimbursed for the subsidies the NFL and players have been receiving. CBO head Joseph Barron is working hand in hand with the Trump Administration to get these monies back to where they belong. The Military.