President Trump has consistently shown bravery and leadership over the past four years in office. Despite a pandemic and constant attacks from democrats, he has grown our economy to the highest level it has ever been and united our country to a degree we have not seen since the Reagan administration.

Today, he will take the greatest step ever taken by a president of the United States to secure our freedom. Trump will elevate the right to bear arms to the 1st amendment.

By prioritizing the right to bear arms over all other amendments, Trump has essentially closed a loophole in our constitution dating back to 1789. While the founding fathers of our nation were wise in many ways, they could not have foreseen the threat of neo-liberalism as it exists today. Their attacks on the 2nd amendment have made it necessary to strengthen it by making it the 1st amendment.

“What good is freedom of speech if we don’t have the means to protect it?”, Trump told a crowd in Coruscant, Florida over the holiday weekend. “In order to ensure our security and continued stability, the right to bear arms will now be the 1st amendment for a safe and secure society.”

The move was immediately met with opposition from the ACLU, NAACP, NBA, NFL, CIA, PBA, PTA, and T.G.I.Friday’s Inc. While this opposition was expected, the biggest surprise came when the NRA itself came out publicly against the decision.

Executive Vice President of the NRA Wayne LaPierre told reporters, “This action taken by President Trump effectively destroys our gun lobby. The trickle-down effect of this will be devastating for both our lobbyists and the congressmen and women whose families rely on our donations.”

Gun enthusiasts across the county, however, are thrilled with the move. Charlton Nugent, owner of a gun and ammunition shop in Little Rock, Arkansas tells us, “I think it’s great. Trump is a fair and really smart man. By doing this, I feel that he’s validating the lifestyle that me and millions of other God-fearing Americans have fought to protect for generations.”

Democrats have called this “vigilante governing”. Americans know it’s simply about vigilance.


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