September 11, 2001, is a day that will live in infamy. It was the day 3000 people were murdered by terrorists and everything changed for America.

Now September 11 is supposed to be a solemn day, a day in which we mourn all of those lost that day, but of course, Democrats aren’t capable of respecting their fellow Americans, even victims of a terrible attack.

Representative Ilhan Omar, who doesn’t represent us, was holding a fundraiser for baby-murdering at Planned Parenthood headquarters. While there, she gave her thoughts on the victims of 9/11.

Here are some of the remarks she gave to those in attendance:

“Look, 9/11 wasn’t a big deal. Only 3000 people died. More people die of the flu each year and we don’t mourn for them.

Hell, lots of 9/11 victims had pre-existing conditions and would have died soon anyway. Why should we give so much attention to 9/11 victims? I thought all lives mattered. Apparently not flu victims.

Not to mention all of the inconveniences 9/11 has caused. Going through an x-ray at the airport is tyranny! And I can’t bring my shampoo either. Republicans support these laws too. It’s truly disgusting.”

These comments are disgusting, especially coming from an elected representative. She comments prove that she is un-American and doesn’t care about American lives, even though they closely mirror what Republicans say about the coronavirus.

Republican Senator, Joe Barron, fired back at Tlaib:

“The woman is crazy. I don’t even know what she’s talking about. Downplaying the deaths of Americans is vile and disgusting and should not be tolerated.

In fact, these comments are impeachable in my opinion. Just imagine if Trump downplayed American deaths! The Democrats would surely be calling for his head.”

We agree with Senator Barron. The crazy woman needs to go!


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