CNN has a long history of spreading lies and half-truths. This isn’t surprising, as they are owned by the Clinton Foundation. It seems their reign of misinformation may be starting to crumble, as today they are finally beginning to pay the price for their dishonesty as state governments are starting to take action.

Three states, all led by Republican governors, have decided to pull the plug on CNN within their borders. These great states are Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana, the unholy trinity of states that have the best quality of living and education in the nation, so they know what they are doing with this decision.

Chad Benoit, Attorney General of Mississippi, gave the following statement at a press conference announcing the decision to pull CNN’s license in the state:

“CNN is a known peddler of lies and deceit. We can’t have this kind of misinformation ruining the minds of our children here. We have a great education system here, and don’t want to risk losing that to people buying into the fake news media.

That’s why the governor has instructed me to pull CNN’s license to broadcast in Mississippi. Our state, along with Louisiana and Alabama so far, are hoping this will be a good first step in stopping the spread of misinformation in our nation. It’s what’s best for the people.”

Mississippi Senator, Joe Barron, is applauding the decision as “the best thing for America”.

This is absolutely true.

By removing CNN, viewers will be likely to seek out more accurate news sources. We hope this will pave the way for honest media, such as Fox News, Breitbart, and Infowars, to reach more households in America.

Truth is important and we need to stop the spread of lies and propaganda.


  1. Carlos Hernandez

    I love the sound of DemonicRats screaming like Stuck Pigs in the morning…”

    • Hey Carlos, click on the about us page and read it 20 times. After reading it 20 times, re-read the article. If you still believe it to be genuine, re-read the about us page 50 more times.

  2. CJ Hopkins

    I love this but am also concerned about a rebound effect. Will blue states pull licenses of normal truthful news shows. Scary stuff. Why isn’t there some way to make them be truthful. Sanctions, black outs? Fines won’t work as I’m sure they have plenty of wealthy backers. Well, I’ll keep dreaming/hoping for the best.

    • I’m blue (dabade dabadi) states will not pull out, because they’re not like your EX. also, are you taking this site seriously? AGAIN?

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