Most older people nowadays vaguely remember the cartoon version of Disney’s 1946 classic “Song of the South” as a collection of wise tales told to a young boy by the elderly sage Uncle Remus about the incorrigible “Br’er Rabbit”. Well, the whole crew is about to make it’s big comeback.  Live action.

The new Song of the South, produced by Sandra Batt and the Making America Great Again Society, has all the same features, but will be changed significantly to appeal to the new “woke” crowd of moviegoers.

Casting Randall Park as Uncle Remus was the big “get” for Disney, as Batt said she’d always pictured the character as Asian-American.

“Uncle Remus is wise and old, which pretty much describes a lot of the Asian population.  Those Chineesers live a very long time, and although they don’t talk so much, they do absorb all the stories they see.  I think he’ll be great.  A fortune cookie told me so.”

The casting also includes Charlie Day as the voice of Br’er Rabbit who will be computer animated in the tales, and young actress Marsai Martin from television’s “Blackish” as the lead child.

So get your friends and family ready to “Zip a Dee Doo Dah” back to the good old days.  Reimagined, of course.


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