Cousin Run, Florida.  The small town of only 3,220 was engulfed in media coverage this morning when word got out of Sandra Batt’s lawsuit against the Cousin Run public school system.

Sandra is 50, with two kids in the school system, young 15-year old Christopher, and 13-year old Joseph.  Both are doing well in their studies.  Christopher excels at writing, while young Joeseph has been eyeing up trucks and cars, helping his father Schlomo repair them in his spare time.

Both of them have been appropriately jabbed.

But what neither child has spare time for, is The Word of God, according to Sandra.

After a parent-teacher conference last week, she took a quick tour of the school, and, while in the library, noticed a small tattered black book near the “science fiction” section.  That book, was “The Light of Other Days”, which is really really good, I highly recommend it.

No, but next to that was another black book.  The Bible.  Sandra interrogated the librarian about it, then invited her home to have a threesome.  In the end, she filed suit in federal court.

The lawsuit stands it’s ground against the teaching of religious materials in public schools, even in Florida.  When the suit was filed, the court clerk immediately pushed a small “schvoogie button”, which alerted Governor DeSantis.

“I will use more of that sweet Covid money to fight this,” he said to media spokespeople from Fox News.  “In Florida we DO have God in schools. And guns in church.  All manner of shit.  It’s the state where boomers come to die.”


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