In an extremely controversial decision supported by only 35% of the American public, the state of Texas has used it’s power as arbiter and chief influencer of the Supreme Court to finally overturn Roe vs Wade.

The classic judgement, which stood just fine for nearly fifty years of precedent, allowed the federal government final say in whether we, as a country, allowed abortion proceedings, in general, to continue unabated.  It was considered by Many, to constitute the last bastion of common sense.

“Common sense”, however, is the absolute antithesis of everything that the state of Texas and it’s dimwitted dipshit governor Greg Abbott stand for.  Between Abbott and DeSantis in Florida, you just might find enough brain cells to move a toe.

The court’s 6-3 decision is likely to be one of many, until enough old and withered conservative cowards die out from the Boomer generation.  The fully conservative Supreme Court, two of whom testified that they wouldn’t vote for this decision, is nothing less than a laughable kangaroo body.

With less than a day’s worth of time in the decision, the full effects are still yet to be really felt.  Pro-choice advocate Sandy Batt appeared on QNN to voice her concerns.

“There is no actual basis behind this very unpopular and, frankly, ridiculous judgement, besides conservative religious politics.  Which, in itself, is a travesty.  This is no longer America, as of today.  It is the Confederate States of Jesus.  Get out now.”

Protests across the country are planned all week, although they won’t do any good.  They really never have.

In a related story, airlines have increased air traffic to Canada, the most normal and legitimate country in the hemisphere.


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