Donald Trump, just off of his triumphant July 4 Celebration in South Dakota has made plans to draft a new national holiday, and it celebrates the Confederacy and Confederate Soldiers.

The date chosen for the national holiday is April 9, one of the most important dates in Confederate history. The purpose of the holiday is to remember and honor the sacrifices of the Confederate army

Liberal Democrats have been 100 percent against this becoming a national holiday, saying that the Confederacy fought against the United States and fought to keep slavery alive. They are trying to tear down any monument to the confederacy and ban the confederate flag, calling it a symbol of hate.

This has been the goal of liberals for many years, and with Trump making a national holiday, Democrats will have no say in the matter and must honor the confederacy and the flag. It is the latest thing Trump has done to troll and own the liberals.

Dr. Joseph Barron, who runs a Confederate Remembrance website, thinks it’s a great idea. He’s a proctologist in the south, so he’s used to dealing with the kinds of people who would love this to happen.

“Here in the south, these people are too stupid to understand when they’re being toyed with for political gain, so this works perfectly for other republicans to get elected, I’ll bet we can even con these simpletons out of their social security!”

Seriously. Anyone who is this much in love with a failed idea deserves whatever comes to them.

For the first annual confederate day, there will be all kinds of fun and activities for the family. There will be cross burnings, learning how to wear your white sheets correctly, mock lynchings and fire fighting lessons, just in case the south tries it again and another William Sherman comes to show them who’s boss.

There will also be fried foods all over and kissing cousins booths, just in case some of the ignorant rebels feel frisky.

It’ll be a day full of remembrance, remembering how easy it was to beat the south into submission and a reminder that it could happen again.

1 Comment

  1. Hello. I am Joe Biden. I decided to put the BLM GIFs in the article because they’re like sunlight to a movie vampire. as in, the second they see one they turn into dust.

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