Do you remember back in the day when the government felt that you were responsible enough to handle your own health care?  When you could shop for your own health care insurance, or, none at all with supreme confidence?

And then, suddenly, in came the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare” to destroy those ideas.  According to the former former President, Barack Hussein Obama, health care costs were out of control and eating up more of the United States’ debt than anything else preventable.

And then, of course, there’s the talk of certain senators who take quick trips to Mexico and buy very expensive whores.

Along came Nancy Pelosi and her crew, pushing some litigation down America’s throat, forcing us all to pay with tax hikes and sky-high subsidies for other people.  In other words, socialism.

Well now’s YOUR chance to get in on a little retribution as noted legal scholar Trey Gowdy is filing a class-action lawsuit against the federal government as well as Mr. Obama himself, for billions in compensation across the country.  Sandy Batt of his assembled legal team spoke candidly.

“Everyone who was forced to pay, against their will, for this ‘Obamacare’ nonsense is getting their money back, and more.  We have millions of people already involved, and if you want some too, you’d better sign up within the next three months.  Join us in our childish and retarded action now.”

Sound good?  If you’re looking for an “in”, mosey on over to, and run a search for “getting it backdoor”.  You’ll be glad you did.


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