Barack Obama admitted to a socially distanced crowd at a democratic fundraiser that he really didn’t know what he was doing when he proposed Obamacare initially in 2008. He said it was a crapshoot, and he pretty much just threw it at the wall to see if it would stick. And stick it did. Now, 12 years later, he is admitting it was a mistake.

“Nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated,” Obama said, putting his hands up like it wasn’t his fault. Obama continued, blaming republicans and Trump for Obamacare’s woes. Republicans have been fighting against Obamacare since its inception, knowing the disaster it would be.

How and why would you even try to cover nearly 30 million Americans with health insurance? There’s literally no other country in the world that would even think of it.

Joseph Barron, Head of the CBO, shakes his head at the idea. 

“Covering 30 million Americans with health insurance is a massive waste of money,” he says. “There’s so much more we could do with that money, like Trump golf trips, fighting constant lawsuits because Trump is an unethical nitwit, paying off indiscretions of politicians, the list goes on and on!” 

He also brought up paying for secret military police that Trump insists on having to round up protesters in democratic cities.

“Fascism is not cheap” he protested.

No other country does what Obama tried to do with Obamacare. None, except for every other industrialized nation in the world, and at great success. But we are not other countries.

We are the United States of America, and we believe in freedom.  The freedom to get sick through no fault of their own, and then to be put into lifelong debt. That’s the American way.  Going broke for the greed of health insurance companies is how we do things in America and Obama tried to change that because he hates freedom.

This is just another way of trying to stab at Trump, our glorious dear amazing leader. When Trump said he was to create a healthcare plan that would be beautiful, he wasn’t kidding.  Right now, we have a virus, that every other country has gotten under control, but not us.

We’re number one, just as President Trump told us we’d be. And being number one, which was NEVER Obama’s plan, is the most important thing ever. Even if it’s unbelievably bad, we’re still number one. God bless America and Donald Trump.


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