The private jet of Jeffrey Epstein, the “Lolita Express,“ is known to have been a home of sexual perversion in the sky. By now, all have heard the stories of what took place on the plane.

Tales of shocking and horrid perversion involving adults, children, animals, plant life, you name it. No one good went on that plane.

Most of all, the jet was known for the children that were found there. Jeffrey Epstein was a pedophile and child trafficker. His “wares” were found on the aircraft. That is what he was bigly known for.

When the flight logs for the jet were released to the public, a shocking list of celebrities and politicians was found. Everyone knows that means – each of the people who flew on the jet was guilty of the most horrid crimes. That was a given.

After that first release, we thought we had seen all the names, but that was not the case. Additional logs were eventually given to the press, on which a few more very high profile names stood out. One of these was none other than Sleepy Joe Biden, the Democrat running for President. Biden was on board the Express 15 years ago, traveling between Florida and Florida. It was a short trip, yes, But he was on the plane. And we all know what that means.

The former Vice-President’s office had no comment on the matter, leaving the following comment for the record:

“Joe Biden does not deny having been on the plane. It should be noted, however, that he did not go to Epstein’s Isle. He just went up in the air, clapped his hands repeatedly and screamed, ‘WHEEEEE!’ The entire trip lasted under 15 minutes.

Nothing sickening took place and no children were involved. The only way one could suggest anything close to that would be by noting the childlike sense of glee that overcomes Biden whenever he flies.”

The Biden camp can deny this all they want. The fact remains that Creepy Joe was on that plane and only perverts ever boarded. That is a hard and fast rule that was decided upon by the republican brain trust some time ago. There are no exceptions, except for Trump.

His appearance in the logs shows he did not travel to Epstein Island as Biden did, and that the flight was strictly for business purposes. His was the only flight on record, in fact, when the jet did not travel to the tropical island of sin.

Biden is just as guilty as Epstein and every single person in Hollywood. The proof of that has been revealed in this rambling mess of an article.

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