What NFL players began their kneeling protests, the league suffered for it. Immediately, ratings dropped in a big way and season ticket holders vowed they would never again attend a game.

Since the first moment when Colin Kaepernick took a knee, the National Football League has been on life-support, barely able to raise enough revenue to make payroll.

One would think that other leagues would have seen this devastating loss of income and taken measures to make sure the same did not happen to them.

Professional sports are slow to learn though, and now the NBA is also beginning to suffer as a result.

Professional basketball recently came back to conclude the interrupted season and immediately players all over the league committed an act that is now known to be economic suicide.

They took a knee for the anthem, disrespecting our special song, our flag, our veterans, and our country.

And the results are in. Across the board, ratings for basketball games on television have plummeted. The very best showing was a decrease of 49 percent in viewers, the worst at 74 percent.

The NBA has never been rocked this hard in viewership.

The league’s television marketing guru, Joe Barron, was visibly shaken when asked what they plan to do to counter this devastation.

“Well I don’t think we have too much to worry about. This is a great game. People will come back. Right? They have to. Right?

We cannot force the players to stop the kneeling. They have long had the power in this league. The direction we take is very much led by the players. LeBron wants to kneel, so we kneel. That’s the way it is.

Mr. James has actually also requested that the coaches and management begin kneeling along with the players. Officials too. So look for that, it will be coming soon. Again, no choice.

You see, LeBron’s contract is coming up pretty soon and we need him to sell this game. Without his name, we’re pretty much f**ked. He holds the keys, he has all the power.

Long live the king. He makes me say that.”

The inmates are running the asylum in the NBA. How they have survived on this kind of a business model is beyond anyone’s imagination. They better shape up and change things around or else they will be gone. Pro ball cannot last if they do not respect America.


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