The NBA has made their bed, and now they are being forced to lie in it.

The Association decided to align themselves with BLM Antifa terrorists instead of America and its patriots with their disgusting calls for equality and an end to racism. Now they are paying the price as boycotts grow.

As a result of the NBA’s un-American stance of racial equality, conservatives everywhere have decided to stop watching basketball games as they don’t want to have to watch racial equality be brought to light so they can ignore it.

The NBA is now hurting badly financially. Since white male conservatives were the largest audience of professional basketball, the NBA is losing money at an unprecedented rate never before seen in its history.

Because of this, they are being forced to make some cuts, including the laying off of 322 employees.

Chairman of the Party, Joe Barron, issued the following statement about the NBA’s decision:

“These are unprecedented times for the NBA. We have angered a large segment of the population that doesn’t watch out games anyway. As a matter of fact we’re not laying anyone off. The NBA will be fine after all is said and done.

These deplorables will forget about their sorry little boycott in a week or so anyway like they always do. It is a sad Indictment of the right that they are cheering for Americans losing their job.

So much for caring about the economy and jobs, am I right? Congratulations on your un-American and selfish ways, you ignorant hacks.”

This is great news for patriotic Americans. Finally, these sports leagues are feeling the effects of their communist ways and will have to become real Americans again or go bankrupt.

They must now choose a side. The choice is theirs.


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