Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi doesn’t have long to live, according to our source inside the House Medical Resource Center. Pelosi has liver disease caused by decades of excessive alcohol consumption.

According to the House General Surgeon, Pelosi’s condition has been made worse by a lack of oxygen due to excessive mask-wearing. Pelosi was known to wear as amany as seven masks at once, each with a different woke message.

AOC currently holds the record for woke mask messaging, wearing 14 of them to Biden’s last State of the Union Address. One of the masks reportedly said “I stand with Nancy, fuck cirrhosis.”

Pelosi was immediately placed on the transplant list when the severity of her disease became known, but she doesn’t qualify to be a general donor organ recipient because of her raging, often public, alcoholism.

Pelosi will need a direct donation to save her life, which is unlikely, since she carries a blood disorder that lowers the donation pool to Scott Baio and his immediate family.

Even though we despise her, patriots, nobody deserves to have Scott Baio’s blood coursing through their veins.


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