A spokesperson for the McDonald’s Corporation has informed ALLOD’s journalistic department that they do have a record of Kamala Harris working for their company in the summer of 1981.
She was fired for stealing “a substantial amount” of chicken McNuggets.
“Kamala was reportedly a great employee,” said Spokesman Joe Barron, “But she made that fatal error of stealing from the hand that fed her.”
According to corporate records, Harris took an entire case of the tasty morsels, fried them, and brought them to the homeless encampment down the street after they lost everything to a jackboot raid.
“I hated to let her go,” said her former manager Tara Newhole, “But the word came down from above. A case of Nugs was $32.75 back then. They wanted her gone and the money deducted from her pay.”
Harris reportedly turned down the assistance of her co-workers and instead decided to become President of the United States so she could one day tell them all to go phuck themselves.
God Bless America.