Reports from the West Wing say Vice President Kamala Harris is having a hard time staying on as Biben’s second. “She’s increasingly concerned that he’s going to destroy her career,” said a source close to the Oval Office.

Harris has reportedly asked to quit twice but has been held off by eager Biden allies assuring her he’s never gonna make it to 2024 and that she’s assured a spot behind the Resolute Desk. Biden apparently has no idea this has been going on.

Other sources in the building say Biden is alienating everyone, not just Harris. He often travels the halls on his tricycle shouting “weeeeeee!” While some staffers think it’s endearing and cute, others think that sort of behavior should be reserved for Uncle Joe at Chuck E Cheese’s.

The manager of the local Cheese’s said he’d love to host a party for the president, who likes to be called Boo Boo while he’s there. “He’s really a nice guy. He asked for the nuclear football to nuke Russia while he was in the bathroom once, which was kinda cool. They don’t actually let him do much.”

Biden spokesman, Joe Barron, said it’s pretty unfair that “Trump worshipers” have such a negative view of Biden that they’ll just believe anything. “The whole story is a troll, but that doesn’t matter. They’ve been told President Biden is incompetent and the only thing that will save the country is a man who repeatedly cons them, lies, and does it again.”

Typical response from a Leftist. We all know only Trump can lower inflation.

God bless America.


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