You’ve probably heard the news by now. Beyonce Knowles-Carter has won the “Best Country Album” Grammy for an album that nobody considers “country” but her.

So how did this fraud of an album make it this far? It’s simple. Her husband, Jay-Z, paid for it. According to our estimates, the price tag was just north of one hundred million dollars.

Our methodology was simple: We took the amounts we spent from all of the memes we made and added them up, and then we decided on $100 million because that seems to be a number our audience would believe. Here’s how it breaks down:

He spent $30 million bribing radio show hosts to play her garbage. He spent another $40 million bribing country stations to keep it in the rotation, even though nobody was requesting it. Then he spent another $30 million plus downloading the album to bring those numbers up.

Essentially, he spent $100 million. Or so our memes say. We have no reason to dou8bt them.

We fully expect there to be a very profitable backlash from the country community. Jason Aldean, Hank Williams Jr, and Reba McEntire will be weighing in, and we absolutely plan to include Taylor Swift for some reason.

So congratulations to Jay-Z for buying his wife a Grammy. We’re super-duper proud of you, big guy. God Bless America.