Former First Lady and presidential nominee for the Democratic Party in 2016 lamented on the state of affairs in America and had a lot to say, much of it controversial.  She was interviewed on a podcast earlier about how she felt about the ongoing crisis and other topics that are affecting our country. She was especially harsh towards Trump’s base and their support for the current president.

Podcaster Joe Barron had the opportunity to sit down and speak to Clinton at length in a series called “America, Love It Or Leave It when the former First Lady gave shocking answers to the questions he had. Mrs. Clinton, who has spent her life in democratic politics did not mince words at all. She spoke about everything facing our country right now and put much of the blame on Trump and his supporters. She believes that had anyone else, even a different republican had won in 2016, America would be thriving.

“There is simply nothing left to be proud of” she mused during the interview. “We’ve gone from a superpower that other nations wanted to emulate and looked up to, now we are a laughing stock who’s got the worse pandemic outbreak and a president who is outwardly racist”. She also said of Trump’s supporters that “these people are simply deplorable and are proud to be that way, they don’t care about their fellow Americans at all, its all about trying to “out trump” one another. The mental gymnastics these people must do to see the dire distress we are in and continue to wave a trump flag, literally, is disheartening and incredibly stupid”.

Barron sat and looked shocked, he couldn’t believe this would come from anyone, especially a former candidate for the highest office in the land, literally someone who actually won the election through the popular vote but because hillbillies from the Midwest think their unbelievably crappy existence should matter as much as the population centers on the coasts, Trump became president through the electoral college.

“Ronald Reagan said we were the shining beacon on the hill, and he was correct” she continued, and added, “Now we’re the broken-down trailer in the dirty trailer court with the fat guy on the end of the block screaming racist conspiracy theories”.

Does Clinton have hope that we can overcome this? 

“Yes! We’re America. We’ve overcome so much, and let’s hope that the country agrees with me and every other sane American who’s not huffing paint, trying to get in bed with their sisters and blasting second rate country music out of a nearly dead Ford pick up truck”.

It’s obvious that Clinton had just gotten back from a beer run with Pelosi before this interview. God bless Donald Trump.


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