Joe Biden’s White House is a solid ark of tradition.  Every year, from beginning to end, national holidays are celebrated, fireworks are shot off, should the occasion call for it, and at the conclusion of the season, Christmas cards are distributed.

CHRISTMAS cards.  Well, at least they were in Trump’s White House.

This year, White House staff have selected a “Happy Holidays” card, as to not “offend” any woke recipients upon seeing the, God forbid, word “Christmas” coming in their mail unsolicited.

Yes, over the last few years, as “wokeness” and “other holidays that don’t matter as much” have reared their ugly heads, cards and gift placards have switched to “Season’s Greetings” for their celebratory message.  Does it bother you what liberals and antifa witches and warlocks are doing to Christmas?

I don’t know who “Shauna” is, but I DO know that this is an invitation to HELL.

Well it does me.  Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is the reason for the season, even if he never existed in any way.  I’ve heard there’s no “concrete evidence” that the man walked the planet and that he’s an amalgam of earlier deities from Egypt to Syria, all sharing the same story, the same origin, the same everything.  I don’t care.

To the people who believe that rot, I have two words : Shroud of Turin.

White House mail Chief Sanders Batt told us that besides the verdamt hidey-hole card, Christmas cards are also being distributed.  In fact, three times as many.  Do I believe that?  Yes.  Does Christmas belong in the company of crappy ass lamp oil hoarding holidays like “Chanukah?”. Or even “Hannuka?”

You decide.  Me, I’ll be getting my “holiday” turkey ready.


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