Elizabeth Warren has been nursing some pretty severe pride wounds since losing the Democratic primary. As such, she’s making some really poor decisions for the American people!

Using Article 4, Section 28.104, Warren is using the Ways and Means Committee to loot Federal lands and give them to Native American reservations. Worse yet, she is going after the Bundy Ranch first.

As you’ll remember, the Bundy Ranch came to light when the cattle ranchers were allowing their herds of cattle to graze on federally protected lands. The family had been doing this for hundreds of years. In fact, really they did the federal government a favor by allowing them to protect those lands. Anyway, the Bundys prevailed in the court of law and nothing more has been said about the justifiable mooching.

Now, Warren has come up with a way and means to go after the American patriots and essential workers.

Give their land to Native Americans!

Warren’s office issued the following statement:

“My people have suffered enough. For hundreds of years, they have gone without these sacred lands. Since the American people rejected me, I am going after this issue to seek revenge on all who crossed me.”

The tribe plans to use the additional land to open up a 23,000 acre Rock Hard Casino complex that will create millions of dollars win wealth for three tribe elders. It is said that Elizabeth Warren actually sits on the board of directors and stands to make big profits from the deal. She just might get that fourth vacation home, yet!

Donald Trump has spoken out about the deal saying it is a travesty. He also says his casinos do not want the new complex, as his businesses should not have to compete with anyone else. He’s the president of the United States, after all!

1 Comment

  1. Hello. I am Joe Biden. I stole all of those cows to feed Trump, who kinda looks like caseoh from a side profile. Also, I just got a sweet tv show application.

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