We’re sorry to have to report some sad news from the Duck Dynasty world. Uncle Si Richardson, the family elder beloved by all, has passed away at 76.

“We’re sure gonna miss him,” said a source close to the family, “He was a great tipper.”

The source, a DoorDash driver named Liam, said he knew something was wrong when he got to Si’s house and there was no answer. “I knocked a bunch of times and nobody came, so I looked in the window, which is when I saw him.”

Liam says Si was lying face-down on the living room floor with a bottle of Johnny Walker Green in his hand. “He sure looked dead to me.”

We contacted the family and were assured that he was likely not dead but passed out drunk. “We’ll drop by and see him next week sometime.”

If he is dead, he’s not gonna smell very good next week. If not, he’ll probably still smell pretty bad.

Either way, we’d like to recant the story but unfortunately, once something is on the internet it’s automatically true, so we need to run a story about it. It’s the right thing to do.

With that in mind, rest in peace, Uncle Si. We hardly knew thee.