Disney has become one of the planet’s largest companies, with it’s family-friendly entertainment arm far outweighing those of Fox, Sony, and Warner Brothers.   With old/new CEO Bob Iger back in the driver’s seat, it didn’t seem as if that would change, or if Disney’s new “woke” policies would survive.

Enter former President Barack Obama.

His status as a best-selling author and impressive work for streaming giant Netflix has convinced top executives at Disney to give him his own cartoon series on their Disney Plus streaming service, and boy, is it a doozy.

“Out and About” is the name of the series, which will feature celebrity voice Chris Rock as a drag queen who leads a band of drag queens across the country in performances.  Along for the ride is ten year old Danny Dingus, a Mexican gangster’s son, who is hiding amongst them.

Some feel a series promoting drag queens is fairly verboten as children’s faire.  One of those is pipe-fitter Joe Barron, from Queef Lake, New Jersey.

“It’s disgustipating is what it is.  I don’t want my kids, little Build and little Wall to be seeing that garbage.  It might make them gay.  They need to be in church, eating Christ’s body.”

With the young boy’s voice being played by actor Neil Patrick Harris, it’s indisputable that Obama has some star power working on the series.  But can it make it’s way through the Joe Barrons and shine?  We’ll see.


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