We hope you don’t ever have a layover in California, patriots. As of next year, every bathroom open to the public in the entire state will be “gender-neutral.” If the kid in the picture is any indication, it may be because a bunch of those West Coast elites can’t tell the difference or can’t figure it out.

The gender thing was cute for a while, but now it’s affecting Americans everywhere. How is a man from West Tallahassee supposed to just keep on living his life as though nothing is going on when right on the other side of the mountains and across the desert and then a little further there’s crap like this happening to my fellow rural Americans and the guys in Bakersfield I met at a Trump rally in Atlanta.

So now, when you pee, a girl could just watch. Or, if you see a hot chick, you’re allowed to just watch her drop her drawers and do her business. If she sniffs it she’s a keeper. It means she cares.

The ACLU was asked to file a case on behalf of sane people, but apparently, sanity isn’t a civil liberty anymore. The whole country is going to shit, and it’s all Biden’s fault. Sleepy bastard.

God bless America.


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