The self-styled so-called anarchist group THE BOOGALOO BOIS, have been in the news lately for doing something they’re not really known for doing and that’s raising money for a good charity cause!
A spokesperson said,
“The group has had a change of mind and rather starting a second civil war, they preferred to do something for their community instead.”
They ordered themselves into state teams and competed with each other to see who could earn the most money, from car washing, shopping trips for the disabled, bake sales, and house cleaning for the elderly.
The total money raised was in the region of $300,000 of which, a large portion went to Trump’s reelection campaign. The Whitehouse press secretary’s office issued a statement about the big donation. Unfortunately, Kayleigh McEnany wasn’t available to elaborate. But, Steven Miller was and confirmed,
“We got the money from those BOOGALOO BOIS – thanks!”
The BOOGALOO BOIS came into the public’s consciences as an online meme, then it all spiraled and the igloo boogaloo was formed. Their ethos, supposedly, was to cause anarchy in the capital to start a second civil war. They’re Patriots but, not in the traditional way a patriot is perceived.
Usually, the lamestream media label them and pigeon hole their antics as anarchical saboteurs, who infiltrate peaceful protests as antagonists. The lamestream media have been wrong before about these types of American patriots, and I guess they can add this to their long lists of being wrong!
The rest went to a little known charity called the, Ku Klux Klan Prayer network, being a major donor in the BOOOGALOO BOIS early beginnings, mostly being from that specific branch of white supremacists. It was only fair that the BOOGALOO BOYS returned the favor and gave them $188,000, all told.
The KKK organization, which has 560 branches across the U.S, largely depends on outside donations from the particular militia, were very grateful for the donation from one of their satellite groups. Most of these groups are also called by the lamestream media “HATE GROUPS.”
The BOOOGALOO BOYS were no exception and they paid their dividends, back to their early sponsors by doing something selfless and Godly. Unlike the liberal groups who are the real terrorists and who are, oh so demanding and want everything to revolve around them and not others. Since when did white lives matter to them?
Are the BLM really that surprised, that patriots have a problem with their “griping” all the time? Why don’t they give money, as the BOOGLAOO BOYS have done?
And, maybe give a little money to their Government instead of asking for it all the time in the shape of welfare and stimulus by way of protesting to demand where their money is going like mine and yours! Nobody needs to know those finite details not even, “WE THE PEOPLE.”
I’m sure CNN will have something to say, about these patriots’ unselfish deeds. Those liberal hacks won’t even say what they did to earn this charity coffer.